My guitar story is deeply connected to my engineering career, so the latter will be mentioned from time to time.
I started my musical endeavours somewhere at 2000, being 8 y.o. :
title My Guitar Story
2000..2004 : Domra (slavic folk instrument) class
2004..2007 : Classical guitar class
2007..2011 : Hobby flamenco guitar
2011..2014 : Semi-professional flamenco guitar
2014..2017 : Games/anime/movies OST covers
I first played domra (slavic folk 3-string instrument, somewhat close to more widely known balalaika) in a musical school. I was generally regarded to be some kind of «promissing kid» LOL.
Classical guitar class in my school was viewed as «domra level 2», so entering guitar class was natural next step for me. The most noteworthy thing about those times is that I had lot’s of concert practice both in duets/trio and in solo performances.
Me (center) in classical guitar trio
After finishing guitar class in 2007, I proceeded to flamenco guitar by myself.
I also entered a University in theoretical astrophysics in 2007.
During my flamenco guitar career:
Me with Paco de Lucia LOL
Performance with flamenco dancing school
Performance with flamenco dancing school
The reason I am calling myself to be «semi-professional» rather than «professional» flamenco guitar player is because on the scene I usually participated only in one or two musical pieces. I believe you must perform full concert program in order to be honestly called a professional.
I was possessed by flamenco all that time, dreaming of professional solo-guitar-career, but somewhere in 2013 I started to really doubt about this kind of future for me.
I finished University in 2013 and decided that I want to be aerospace engineer (which I am today). I simply expected engineering to become more enjoyable (and profitable) life path for me than professional guitar.
The reason I then started playing exactly anime/games/movies OST covers is because:
Somewhere at 2017 I abandoned playing guitar almost altogether (only played in random jams in a friends circle and things like that).
Around 2020 as a part of my engineering career I started to dive deeply in a variety of related domains:
Casually surfing the internet on aforementioned topics, I was introduced to software like Sunvox and VCV Rack, which are called modular synthesizers.
VCV Rack
Beeing deeply fascinated by the synergy that such software creates between music and engineering, I started goofing in many aspects of electronic music as a side hobby.