Skin was created while working in CTF2.5Dev R292.22 (this is version of ~ august 2020).

It will probably work in other versions, however I didn’t test it.

Original Skin (for comparison)


My Skin

Main idea of the skin: color the cells in such a way that code structure becomes more visual (so that you can easily visually distinguish a condition from a sub-condition, an event from a sub-event, etc.)

Event Editor:

Dark_Organize (1).png

Event list editor:

Dark_Organize (2).png


<aside> 1️⃣ Dowload archive:


<aside> 2️⃣ Unzip in folder Skins (inside installation folder of CTF2.5)


<aside> 3️⃣ Select PUPS_Dark from menu Tools>Preferences>Workspace>Skin
